Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pray with me sisters...

Recently the Lord has been leading me to pray a lot. Last friday I went to our church's ladies prayer, a time from 12-1 to just pray outloud for lots of requests. It was a great time of prayer and I plan on putting it into my friday agenda.

If you can be praying with me... for healing of Wayne's headaches. He will still have weeks where he will have them 3 days in a row and not be able to do much of anything. This week has been better so maybe my prayers are working! He has 2 deals that have a potential to close in jan/feb. But with the market and financing lots of details have to fall into place for these developments to sell. So I am in prayer that one will close. This would really help us by replenishing the dip into savings of the last 5 months. And would free Wayne up to explore where God would have him next employment-wise.

God also opened the door for me to be accepted into nursing school! I have always felt my strengths lie in the medical field, and once I have my RN licensure that will open up jobs for me where I can work 3 days a week, and be with the kiddos a lot still. It is a 20 month program. They have me in the august class; but something tells me that a spot may open up for me to start in January. I would really like to get started. So I am praying for a spot to open if that is the Lord!

Thanks for "listening" and joining in prayer. Off to get cookie ingedients and make cookies for our ladies' group Cookie Exchange party tonight. Which entails taking two kids to the grocery store as Luke has been sick for 2 days with fevers and coughing. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

You have lots going on! I will definitely pray for Wayne and for you to get into nursing school!

Christina said...

Love you sis-talked to Jess earlier and wish you could come over too! I am praying for all of you! Life is tough isn't it! You will make a great nurse someday!