Sunday, December 21, 2008

Park with Caleb!

We had the pleasure of cousin Caleb spending two days with us last week while Sharay took Grandma Hunt up to DC to catch a plane to Alaska (brave Grandma!). Caleb is 6, and as Luke gets older they are really getting to be best buds. They both are all boy! The loudness went up a notch with all the sword fighting, wrestling, and karate chopping :) It was fun.

Luke impressed me with his strength--- he would have me put him on the monkey bars and then held himself on the bars. Jeans were a little big today- haha isn't that belly cute!

I rolled sister around in the bugaboo and she had a good time too.

Woo-Hoo! He went down the pole by himself too!


Melissa said...

Your family is so sweet! :)


Anonymous said...

You RoCk aUnt LeS tHaNk SoO mUcH fOr TaKiNg suCh GoOd cAre Of CaLeb.
LoVe tHe PicS.

Aunt ShArAy :)