Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me!!

It's been awhile, but I'm joining in this 'Not me Monday' because we all know I could do it every week with all the funny things going around my house!

I did not avoid taking Luke to the dentist for 3 1/2 years just b/c I was scared he couldn't handle it. I did not notice a gaping HOLE in one of his molars and decide he had to go, picking KOOL SMILES kids dentist b/c maybe he would forgive me if there was a playground to play on before he got drilled on! Not Me! (FYI he did wonderful!)

I did not after signing Luke up for Soccer start dreaming about being the greatest Soccer Mom... that Luke would be the all-star player, and me and sister would be there on the sidelines with the bugaboo cheering him on! And maybe a college scholarship would be in order? Not me thinking that far ahead!

I do not let my kids out of the house frequently with two totally different socks on. Is there a sock monster out there eating my matches????

I did not have to clean mouse poop out of my cabinets realizing that they had eaten my good food brushes from Williams Sonoma and tried to make a nest out of the hairs- yuck. I was then not thankful b/c at least they were little mice and not the RIVER RATS like last year. Thank goodness we got those vents replaced!

This blog carnival was created by our friend MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week!


anne said...

There IS a sock monster!
There HAS to be!
Fun NMM. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my. I remember thinking that before our first round of tball last year. It seems things went QUITE differently as Benjamin and Kyle sat in the outfield tossing rocks and playing in the dirt :) But, all in all, so much fun! And cheering them on is just pure fun!

Ashleigh said...

My kids' socks are normally mismatched!

Emily said...

Oh my my office... I find mouse poop on my desk at work alot.. eekkkk... it really gives me the hibbiess... I wear mismatching socks all the time:) he he!

jane said...

I love this!! I just need to remember to do it on Mondays. I love the sock thing, so true!!