Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Look Mom, One Hand!

Lil Sweeters continues to be highly advanced :) She has had strong legs from the get go... if I held her hands she could stand up from like 3 months. She has this new thing that she only wants to stand up- no sitting. If you go to set her on her bottom, she goes stiff as a board and won't sit. So funny. She also has been acting like she wants to pull up on furniture, so I let her give it a go yesterday....

Of course I can stand all by myself mama!
And she is doing this wide open mouth smiling and laughing a lot. When I pick her up she opens her mouth and says "ahhhhhhh" and grabs at my face. Gotta watch the claw fingers though, she got my nose the other day!

And silly Luke has been diving in the hamper everyday. I keep telling him not to do that... but I think it is pretty funny too. He dives in and can't get out, then calls me "mama heeeeelp!!!" so I can rescue him :)

Love my kiddos.


Brent and Liz said...

so cute! i wish i could fit in a hamper! and sophia is adorable.. wow, standing already. man! way to go on the three teeth, too =)

Melissa said...

Aww she looks so proud of herself! Adorable! And the hamper thing is too much...really. LOL :)

Katherine M. said...

Great pics, Leslie. We missed you at care group. I know you are working and life is challenging. You are in our prayers. Love and miss you.

Anonymous said...

what a perfect smile!